Sunday, September 12, 2010

Teacher Outfits (Part 1)

Every girl should dress like a teacher.
Let me explain why.

1. Teachers primarily dress for comfort and practicality. The good teacher outfit is commute-proof, and is good for 12 hour work days (8 of which involve standing up and pacing up and down a classroom or hallway).

2. Teachers dress up in a timeless manner. And no, not timeless as in "panahon-ng-lola-mo" timeless, but Audrey Hepburn/Grace Kelly-timeless. The clothes you purchase in your early twenties will still be useful even when you're in your 60's and 70's.

3. Teachers dress professionally. We get treated deferentially because we show by our polished manner of dress that we respect ourselves and expect to be treated with respect, in turn.

Here's a quote from this blog that I completely agree with:

"We live in a shallow world where we judge people by their looks. So image does matter if you want to get a head start in life."

4. The way teachers dress highlight their brains and capabilities. Isn't it rather insulting if you were to be remembered not by what you said or did, but only by what you wore? (Aside: I know that I will always remember the girl I saw riding the escalator last night in a mall... she wore such a short denim skirt that when I glanced up, I saw her b*tt and underwear!!!)

In the weeks to come, I will be posting stylish teacher outfits that girls of all ages and professions can get ideas from. Stylish comfort is for everyone, after all!

If you disagree or have some violent reactions, feel free to post a comment! I'd better warn you, gentle reader, that I AM a teacher... and TEACHER ALWAYS KNOWS BEST! :)


  1. Interesting post! Looking forward to the photos :)

    It always seems like teachers need to be "better dressed" than anyone else--and that's probably because they are our second models (first models are our parents :D)--but let's not fall into such a mindset! Dressing well is everyone's calling.

    It's true that the wrong piece of clothing can make people remember what you wore better than what you said. I remember a science teacher of mine who had a see-through blouse that bothered quite a lot of us. :( (Though that's not the reason I ended up in the English Dept at college :P) Having been part of a room full of students myself, I know how infectious just one student's disrespect for a teacher can be.

    That said, this is a good occasion for teachers to remember their noble cause, not only to teach, but also to be the walking advertisement of good values (and great dressing, lol) and for us ordinary folk not to fall into thinking that only teachers need to dress up to be respected in a room full of students. After all, each one of us steps into our own "room..." (i.e. when we meet impressionable people, no matter what age!) every day. :D

  2. Agree! I dress like a teacher too. Lol. I mean, most of my designs can pass the teacher dresscode. :)
