Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Season

    Students getting jolted with their cell phones alarming; roads getting more congested; people cramming their purchase of books and supplies; mommies or home cooks preparing packed sandwiches and viands. What's the fuss with the surroundings? There could only be one possible explanation to all of these. It's back to school. School year '10-'11 is out. Welcome '11-'12.

    Apart from the nerve-racking experience of meeting new people, attending classes with queer professors, getting lost, and looking "lost" (to use the terminology of our times), there is also that another challenge of preparing the clothes to wear to school. Who wants to sport a mismatched attire on the first day?

    Here are three tips to help you feel confident while making your way to your classrooms on the first day:

  1. Choose a comfortable attire
  2. This does not mean that you are entitled to wear short shorts and pajamas. What we intend to say is that you have to be sure that there's nothing wrong with your fashion articles. No loose buttons for the fear that it might fall totally and create a gap for people to critique your tummy; no too baggy or too tight pants so to be able to walk with ease. Yes to walking shoes or sandals (no need for further explanation); and no to flipflops (this is best suited for the beach!).

  3. Wear the attire proper to the occasion - that is university attire
  4. This means that evening gowns and stilettos are out as well as pajamas and sleeping blouse. I am not exaggerating. Some people have the guts to do this in school. They say fashion is in the eye of the beholder anyway. The bottom line here is this: you do not want to call much negative attention on you. Remember that first impression lasts.

  5. Use a bag that is just of right size
  6. Not too big so as not to waste your energy carrying an almost empty bag nor too small that both of your hands get too busy carrying your notebooks and other school items.


    Sabel Diaz - the incoming vice chairperson of University of the Philippines Diliman, College of Education.